Church Dirertory

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Woman's Missionary Society
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Church Membership
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Church Membership

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Rev.  Robert H. Taylor


met its financial problems, promptly and was also faithful in promoting her benevolences.  Rev. Fisher, with the concurrence of the Session, made a strenuous effort to strengthen the Spiritual condition of the Congregation, by holding series of meetings lasting several weeks, at different times but the result of this effort was small. The Missionary Society, organized during the pastorate of Rev. L. T. Shuler, was alive and energetic and made a good
record for itself. The Church, during this pastorate, lost two of its faithful Elders, Dr. Albert Seymour and John E, Dubois.  Even though the reports and narrative of this pastorate are not encouraging, yet, there must have been real Spiritual life there, as the people were faithful in attendance upon the worship in the House of God.
        A call was entended to Rev. Robert H. Taylor on March 13, 1889, and accepted by him.  It was ratified by Presbytery at its April meeting and he was duly installed on May 9, 1889, all the requirements of Presbytery being fulfilled. This pastorate ended on September 10, 1902, when the pastoral relation was dissolved at his own request and acceded to by the Congregation with reluctance. The Spiritual condition of the Congregation seems to have advanced greatly during this pastorate and more than 100 additions were made to the Church.  Every department of the Church seemed to be alive with energy and new plans of work were productive of much growth and development in a Spiritual way.  The envelope system for the Weekly Offering was adopted and a new hymnal, purchased. The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, was organized on January 8, 1890, with C. G. Clark, as temporary chairman and Wesley Thorne as Secretary. The following, were the first officers: J. W. Thorne, President; C. G. Clark, Vice President; Miss Annie Fisher, Corresponding Secretary; Miss Carrie M. Clark, Recording Secretary, and William Halsey, Treasurer. The fervent zeal and impress of this pastorate still lingers in the Community.  God abundantly blessed the pastorate and some of those received under this pastorate, are still faithful laborers in His vineyard here.  The statistical report at the close of the pastorate, was, members 157, Sunday School Enrollment 70, Contributions for Benevolence $403.00, and for Congregational purposes, $1,212.00.
        In 1898, in the pastorate of the Rev. Robert H. Taylor, the ceiling, having become dangerous, the Church was repaired, decorated and changed to its present state.  No change was made in the style and architecture, as it remains the same as the second building was planned at the end of Rev. Grier's pastorate. The changes made at this time, were the putting on of the metal ceiling, which remained until now, when it has been removed. Also, the gallery was enlarged and enclosed and the room upstairs, made and put in its present state.  The whole cost of the repairs, at this time, was about $1,350.00 and Martin E. Lee was Treasurer at the time.
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