umber Of them having special parts on the program. The thank offering amounted to $72.00.
        In September, 1902, two barrels of clothing, bedding, work bags, si1verware, etc., were sent to Burnsville, North Carolina, to be distributed as Christmas gifts, among the teachers and people, by Hen Taylor, who was then located there.
        On Thursday evening, April 13, 1905, the Praise Meeting was held in the Church. This was the 25th or Silver Anniversary, Rev. T. S. flames, of Goshen, delivered an address on "Labrador," special music by the choir and an offering of $88.00, were the prominent things of this meeting.  Miss Mary Sayer was President of the Society 1902 to 1909.
        Praise Meetings have been held annually, since 1904. Each time a special speaker has been present to address the meeting. Previous to 1904, the program was conducted entirely by the members. Since 1913, Christmas boxes have been sent, each year to various places.  For four years, we sent boxes to Mrs. Wilson,
who was then located in Islampur, India.  And for the past four years, we have been sending gifts that amounted- to more than $100.00, each year to the Freedman.
        In 1917, we had our first Mission Study Class. The book at that time was, "Latin America." The Mission Study classes have been an annual event, since that time. For the past three years, we have covered the entire book in one day, the officers of the Society each leading in the study of one particular chapter. At this meeting, a special thank offering is taken.
        From the organization of the Society, until the present time, we have contributed, $6,565.55 to our Missionary work, all money being voluntary free will offerings. Our largest praise and thank offering was $175.00, received in 1921. At that time, our Society had fifty-six members.  The highest amount of money contributed  in a single year, was $313.00, contributed in 1924.  Meetings have been held regularly each month, opened with a devotional praise service, followed by a study of the subject for the day, under  the direction of the leader, appointed for the month. The Society  has had nine Presidents.  In addition to those mentioned, Mrs. C. F. Sayer, four years; Mrs. C. 0. Clark, two years; Mrs. W. I. Drake, two years; Mrs. Line, ten years; Mrs. Anderson, two years, and Mrs. Horton, since April, 1929.  There have been six secretaries: Mrs. Emma Hulse, Mrs. M. Louise Evans, Mrs. M. E. Lee, Mrs. C.E. Sayer, Miss Antoinette Drake and Mrs. C. G. Clark. Five Treasurers have served the Society: Miss Jane Sayer was Treasurer from 1891 to 1916, a period of twenty-five years.  She was followed by Mrs. II. A. Horton, Mrs. Grace Anderson, Mrs. D. C. Evans and now, Mrs. Hulet Clark.
        In 1916, we entertained our Presbyterial Society. During the past seventeen years, we have lost sixteen very active members, by death.  Mrs. M. F. Lee has been a member of the Society for 49 years and Mrs. P. L. DeWitt for 45 years. The officers at the present time are: President, Mrs. H. A. Horton; Vice President,
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